Mouezh Paotred Breizh

Choeur d'hommes de Bretagne

Crédit photo: Michel Thierry

Our Choir Director

Jean-Marie AIRAULT has directed the Chœur d'hommes de Bretagne since its creation.

He was born in Paris in 1950 and grew up in a family inspired by music from generation to generation.

At the age of 8, he joined the Manécanterie des Petits Chanteurs de l'Hôtel de Mayenne in Paris and sang with Mgr Maillet's Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois. He remained with these groups until 1963.

He then became a baritone singer with the Bach Choir of Paris until 1968.

In 1969, life took him to Brittany, where he continued to sing in several Breton choirs, notably in Lorient. It was with one of them, the Chorale Ste Cécile de Lorient, that he began his career as a choirmaster, at the age of 24.

In 1977, he helped set up Kanerion an Oriant, a mixed Breton choir, which he directed until 1997 and with which he toured extensively.

His career then led him to direct other choirs: Mouezh Bro Konk in Concarneau, from 1998 to 2006; the choir of the Centre Breton d'Art Populaire in Brest, from 1998 to 2006; the Ensemble Vocal Féminin in Lorient, since 2000.

CHe began his adventure with Mouezh Paotred Breizh in 1993, when he accepted an invitation from "The World Choir" association to form a men's group to represent Brittany at the Atlanta (USA) gathering. Building on this experience, the group went on to perform numerous concerts in France and abroad, and became a benchmark for Breton singing.

Co-founder of the Fédération des chorales bretonnes Kanomp Breizh, Jean-Marie Airault is also a composer and harmoniser. He is also involved in training young choirmasters.


The Conseil de Bretagne, the Town of Carhaix and France Bleu Breizh Izel support Mouezh Paotred Breizh.