Mouezh Paotred Breizh

Choeur d'hommes de Bretagne

Crédit photo: Michel Thierry

Our discography

Since its creation, Mouezh Paotred Breizh has recorded several CDs corresponding to a creation or marking a period in its history

These CDs are available for sale at our concerts, from COOP BREIZH or by contacting us.

Kan glaz ar sklerijen

The blue song of light

The 20th anniversary CD

Listen to some extracts:

Avel skañv
Kan an dalc'h

Micheriou hon tadoù

What our fathers did

Listen to some extracts:

Ar furlukin
Les marins
Mik Mik

An Aval hag ar c'halis

The Celtic Paradise

Listen to some extracts:

Bro gozh
Kantig ar Baradoz

Klemmvanoù ar Gelted

Songs from the Celtic world

Listen to an extract:

Gwerz Penmarc'hiz

Liviou an amzer

Colours of time

Listen to a few extracts:

Kan ar gelted
Brouioù ar mor

Bro ar mor bras

This country to the sea

Listen to an extract:

Ar c'hornog ruz

Dre ar Bed

Across the world

The 10th anniversary CD

Listen to an extract:

Les corons

Gannet eo bet

He was born to us

Listen to an extract:

An heol o sevel

Mouezh Paotred Breizh e Pleyben

Mouezh Paotred Breizh à Pleyben

This CD is sold out


The Conseil de Bretagne, the Town of Carhaix and France Bleu Breizh Izel support Mouezh Paotred Breizh.