How to join us
The Chœur d'Hommes de Bretagne, Mouezh Paotred Breizh, is constantly welcoming new singers to strengthen its ranks, ensure the choir's continuity and combat the natural erosion of the group.
Perhaps you've been thinking about joining us? Here are a few things to help you make your decision:
For future chorister :
- There is no age requirement, but you do need to be in good physical shape,
- No previous musical or choral singing experience is necessary, but at the very least you must enjoy singing,
- be motivated and enthusiastic, ,
- the ability to work independently,
- be committed to the aims and objectives of the association,
- commit to attending monthly rehearsals (generally on the 1st Sunday of each month in Carhaix),
- when the time comes, take part in concerts (around fifteen a year).
For its part, the association undertakes to :
- give you a warm welcome in a friendly and fraternal atmosphere,
- helping you to learn Breton songs and language,
- vproviding you with an original method of working on scores, with the support of computer software,
- offer you the possibility of car pooling to attend rehearsals and concerts.
Don't hesitate to ask us any questions you may have. Come and meet us at a concert or rehearsal.
All you have to do is take the first step: get in touch with the choirmaster straight away:
Jean-Marie Airault